/ Exify / setTagDefinition


open fun setTagDefinition(tagId: Short, defaultIfd: Int, tagType: Short, defaultComponentCount: Short, allowedIfds: IntArray!): Int

Creates a new tag definition in this ExifInterface object for a given TID and default IFD. Creating a definition with the same TID and default IFD as a previous definition will override it.


tagId - Short: the TID for the ExifTagKey.

defaultIfd - Int: the default IFD for the ExifTagKey.

tagType - Short: the type of the tag (see ExifTagInfo#getDataType()).

defaultComponentCount - Short: the number of elements of this tag's type in the tags value.

allowedIfds - IntArray!: the IFD's this tag is allowed to be put in.

Int: the defined tag constant (e.g. {@see #ExifTagKey.IMAGE_WIDTH}) or {@see #ExifTagKey.NULL} if the definition could not be made.