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Class TextConfiguration


  • TextConfiguration



Optional backgroundColors

backgroundColors: Array<NamedColor>

Defines all available colors that can be applied to text background. The color picker is always added.

Optional canvasActions

canvasActions: Array<EDIT | BRING_TO_FRONT | DUPLICATE | DELETE> = [CanvasAction.EDIT,CanvasAction.BRING_TO_FRONT,CanvasAction.DUPLICATE,CanvasAction.DELETE,]

Defines all allowed actions for the sticker tool menu. Only buttons for allowed actions are visible and shown in the given order.


// Defaults to:

[CanvasAction.EDIT, CanvasAction.BRING_TO_FRONT, CanvasAction.DUPLICATE, CanvasAction.DELETE]

Optional colors

colors: Array<NamedColor>

Defines all available colors that can be applied to text. The color picker is always added.

Optional defaultBackgroundColor

defaultBackgroundColor: Color

color is represented as a number array which encodes as a single gray value or a RGB(A) tuple of floating point values where each channel is defined in the range of `[0, 1]

Optional defaultColor

defaultColor: Color

color is represented as a number array which encodes as a single gray value or a RGB(A) tuple of floating point values where each channel is defined in the range of `[0, 1]

Optional disableAutoScaling

disableAutoScaling: boolean = false

Every time the text gets too long, the editor scale the font size to a pleasant size. If this is enabled the scaling for the font size is disabled


// Defaults to:


Optional fonts

fonts: Array<FontAsset | ExistingItem> = []

Defines all available fonts. New items can be mixed and matched with existing predefined ones.


// Defaults to:

  { 'imgly_font_open_sans_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_aleo_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_amaticsc' },
  { 'imgly_font_archivo_black' },
  { 'imgly_font_bungee_inline' },
  { 'imgly_font_campton_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_carter_one' },
  { 'imgly_font_codystar' },
  { 'imgly_font_fira_sans' },
  { 'imgly_font_galano_grotesque_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_krona_one' },
  { 'imgly_font_kumar_one_outline' },
  { 'imgly_font_lobster' },
  { 'imgly_font_molle' },
  { 'imgly_font_monoton' },
  { 'imgly_font_nixie_one' },
  { 'imgly_font_notable' },
  { 'imgly_font_ostrich_sans_black' },
  { 'imgly_font_ostrich_sans_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_oswald_semi_bold' },
  { 'imgly_font_palanquin_dark_semi_bold }',
  { 'imgly_font_poppins }',
  { 'imgly_font_permanent_marker' },
  { 'imgly_font_roboto_black_italic' },
  { 'imgly_font_roboto_light_italic' },
  { 'imgly_font_sancreek' },
  { 'imgly_font_stint_ultra_expanded' },
  { 'imgly_font_trash_hand' },
  { 'imgly_font_vt323' },
  { 'imgly_font_yeseva_one' },

Optional maxCharacterLimit

maxCharacterLimit: number

Add an optional maximum amount of letters for the text

Optional minFontSizeForAutoScaling

minFontSizeForAutoScaling: number

Add an optional minimal font size for the auto scaling